
Friday, January 7, 2022

SLJ | Summer News

 In this task we had to pretend we were a reporter and report news from an article that we find at kiwi kids News. I am talking about the shortage of Brown sugar in New Zealand.

My writing -

An issue that affects bakers globally across all of New Zealand. New Zealand is growing short of brown sugar. In what baking/desert do you like to use brown sugar in?

Food Safety New Zealand is investigating the handling of the recall.The company expects it will have brown sugar back in supply by Christmas or New year, but until then  bakers are having to ditch sweet for mostly savory. Meanwhile, large bakeries are asking to portion out their giant
bags and sell small packs to those desperate customers and I personally think that that is an amazing gesture.

Me saying it -

Thank you everyone!


  1. Thank you for sharing this Alilia. As I enjoy baking it was really helpful to read your blog. I use brown sugar when making cookies and choco slice.

  2. Kia ora Alilia!

    Chris here from the Summer Learning Journey, again! You’ve done so many posts now, great job!

    I agree, that is a very positive gesture from some of the larger bakeries. Awesome reading as well, very clear! When I’ve baked with brown sugar, I’ve usually been making banana muffins. How about you?

    I’m looking forward to seeing what else you post in the final week, next week!

    Ngā mihi,


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