
Monday, December 20, 2021

SLJ || Vector Art - step it up

 Kia Ora, for this task we had to create a vector art of a hero and give one quote from them. I chose Maya Angelou, this picture particular picture is from when she was younger. 

I feel that she is an inspiration to all of us so that is why I have picked her. The quote she has said is that "Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud" and that is a life lesson to remember. 

When you see someone feeling down, depressed or even frustrated try to lighten up there day even if it's just a small talk because that has a lot of impact. Maya Angelou is a loyal feminist and a great role model.

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Alillia,

    Wow! This is an amazing piece of art! I love the style you have drawn it in, what would you call this style?

    Do you enjoy drawing on the computer? Or do you enjoy drawing with pen and paper better? I think i enjoy drawing on the computer because you can easily erase mistakes, although I’m not very good at it! Do you have any tips to make art as fantastic as yours?

    I love the information you have given about Maya Angelou too, very well done.

    Keep up the great work!

    Ngā mihi,


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